English Post Utme


Read the following passage and answer question
'You all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you think that any Umuaro man who goes to prison
there will come back alive? But that apart, do you forget that this is the moon of planting? Do you want to
grow this year's crops in the prison house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your elder
brother. I have travelled in Olu and I have travelled in Igbo, and I can tell you that there is no escape from
the white man. He has come.
When suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat left for him, he tells you not to worry
because he has brought his own stool. The white man is like that. Before any of you here was old enough
to tie a cloth between the legs I saw with my own eyes what the white did to Abame. Then I knew there
was no escape.
As daylight chases away darkness so will the white man drive away all our customs. I know that as I say it
now it passes by yours ears, but it will happen. The white man has power which comes from the true God
and it burns like fire. This is the God about Whom we every eighth day... Unachukwu's opponents were
now shouting that this was a meeting of an age group, that they had not assembled to join with him in
chewing the seed of foolishness which they called their new religion.
'We aƌe talkiŶg aďout the ǁhite ŵaŶ's ƌoad͛, said a ǀoiĐe aďoǀe the otheƌs.
'Yes, we are talking about the white man's road, the roof and walls of a house falling, the ceiling is not left
standing. The white man, the new religion, the soldiers, the new road - they are all part of the same thing.
The white man has a gun, a machete, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He does not fight with one
weapon alone.  (Taken from Chinua Achebe's Arrow of God)
1. 'There is no escape from the white man' in the passage means that the
(A) white man will send the people to prison
(B) white man can kill all the people with his gun
(C) people are only trying to run away from the white man
(D) people must accept the white man.
2. Unachukwu's speech in this passage shows that
(A) is a coward
(B) wants his people
(C) loves the white man
(D) is wise with experience
Read the following passage and answer question
Insects can be classified into fourteen separate groupings, or orders. Butterflies and moths belong to the
Lepidopteƌa oƌdeƌ. Lepidopteƌa ŵeaŶs ͞sĐale ǁiŶgs͟, fƌoŵ the Gƌeek ǁoƌds ͞lepido͟ ǁhiĐh ŵeaŶs ͞sĐale͟
aŶd ͞pteƌa͟ ǁhiĐh ŵeaŶs ͞ǁiŶgs͟.
Lepidoptera is one of the largest and most diverse iŶseĐts͛ oƌdeƌs.  The oŶlLJ oƌdeƌ ǁith ŵoƌe diffeƌeŶt
species is coleopteran, that of beetles. So far, scientists have observed approximately 150,000 different
species of butterflies and moths. Each species is distinguished by the unique arrangement, colour, and
pattern of its scales.  Worldwide, there are about 28,000 butterfly species.  The rest of the species
comprising Lepidoptera are species of moths. Though butterflies and moths both have scaled wings, there
are some important differences between them. Butterflies are distinguished by their brightly coloured
ǁiŶgs. Moths͛ ǁiŶgs aƌe usuallLJ less ďƌight. Butteƌflies aƌe usuallLJ aĐtiǀe duƌiŶg the daLJ, ǁhile ŵotheƌs aƌe
aĐtiǀe at Ŷight. A ďutteƌflLJ͛s aŶteŶŶae aƌe sǁolleŶ at the tip, ǁhile a ŵoth͛s aŶteŶŶae are feathery.
3. How many insect orders are there?
(A) 2
(B) 14
(C) 3
(D) 150
4. Which of the following is true?
(A) Butterflies and moths belong to different order
(B) Butterflies and moths are both Lepidoptera
(C) Butterflies are insects, while moths are not
(D) Butterflies fly faster than other Lepidoptera
5. You would expect to find the kind of information in this passage in
(A) a scientific environment
(B) a social studies text
(C) neither of these
(D) both of these

Read the following passage and answer question
IŶ AŵeƌiĐa, the fiƌst aŵeŶdŵeŶt to the Bill of ‘ights states, ͞CoŶgƌess shall ŵake Ŷo laǁ.... aďƌidgiŶg the
fƌeedoŵ of speeĐh.....͟ This aŵeŶdŵeŶt ǁas passed to pƌoteĐt ouƌ ƌight to edžpƌess ouƌ opiŶioŶs ǁithout
fear.  Yet, we must stop using the first amendment as a justification to say whatever we want, whenever
ǁe ǁaŶt.  No speeĐh is ͞fƌee͟ ǁheŶ it has detƌiŵeŶtal effeĐt oŶ the well-being of the others, the
protection of our privacy, the safety of our borders, or the quality of our thinking.
While censorship is not the way of this land, we must take into account the effect of musical lyrics that
influence young listeners.  How often do we find ourselves singing a tune or repeating a phrase from a
song instinctively, without stopping to ponder the meaning of the words? When these words are
demeaning to any group of people or when they incite violence, we are unknowingly repeating phrases of
hate.  How long does it take until those phrases become worn into our patterns of thought and we find
ourselves believing the words we mindlessly hummed?
6. A used in the passage, the word demeaning most nearly means
(A) distasteful
(B) complimentary
(C) insulting
(D) delightful
7. The author implies that the most important aim of the right to free speech is
(A) the ability to disagree with Congress
(B) the ability to say whatever you want to say whenever you want
(C) the right to express our opinions freely
(D) The right to listen to violent music
8. The author attempts to persuade the reader with
(A) statistics
(B) impassioned generalizations
(C) historical quotations
(D) anecdotes and examples
9. This passage is most likely from
(A) speech given to a radio station
(B) textbook on the constitution
(C) magazine article on American music
(D) editorial in a school newspaper
10. The passage seems to imply that
(A) Our mind is dull in receiving data
(B) our subconscious is sometimes the most active
(C) our songs are harmful
(D) our rights are very exclusive
Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Those who are familiar with it will tell you that Ludo, like human life itself, is a game both of chance and
skill. You need skill in deciding how to make the most advantageous use of the figures, which turn up on
the die when you cast it. Since each player has at least four alternative ways of using his figures, two
players with equal luck may fare differently, depending on how cleverly each one uses his figures. The
element of luck, again as in human life, plays a dominant role however. For no matter how skilful a player
may be in using the figure he gets on the die, he has a slim chance of winning if he continually throws low
figures. While a combination of ones and twos may be useful in checking the advance of one's opponents,
it will not take one home fast enough to win. On the other hand, consistent throws of sixes and fives, with
even the very minimum of skill will help a player to home all his four counters before any of the three
other players, unless, of course, he has no idea of the game at all.
11. It is implied in the passage that two players may fare equally if they
(A) have equal luck
(B) apply similar skill to figures
(C) apply similar skill to similar figures
(D) have equal skill
12. It is implied in the passage that in Ludo threes and fours are
(A) very high throws  
(B) medium throws
(C) low throws  
(D) very low throws
13. According to the passage, a player with consistently high throws will
(A) almost certainly win a game
(B) certainly win a game
(C) almost certainly not win a game
(D) deliberately not win a game

14. Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Farming is the most important aspect of agriculture that has attracted attention within the last few years.
Agriculture has several other aspects like fishery, livestock and poultry. All these are also important in that
they have to do with the production of food items which human beings consume for survival. In many
parts of the world today, farming has been regarded as the mainstay of the economy. Crops such as cocoa,
rubber and cotton have been produced in such commercial quantity that they are sold to other countries.
Some countries have better comparative advantage in producing certain farm crops than other countries.
In these other countries, there is the need to spend a lot of money on agriculture, particularly farming.
Most farmers use outmoded tools. A lot of them have no place to store their crops, most of which are
always destroyed by insects and pests before harvest time. All these have adverse effects on their
productivity. The government can do a lot to help farmers. Farmers' co-operative societies can be
encouraged and loans can be made available to farmers through government institutions like banks and
finance corporations. Farmers can be taught how to build good storage structures for their produce. All
these and a lot more can help to improve the conditions of farming in these countries.
A lot of crops harvested are wasted because farmers
(A) allow insects and pests to destroy their crops
(B) do not have enough money to invest in harvesters
(C) do not have good storage facilities
(D) harvest too much at a time
15. Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
It is customary nowadays among fashionable ladies and gentlemen to acquire strange and sometimes
quaint clothes which are scarcely ever used: Sometimes it may be an approaching festival; sometimes a
two hours' ceremony and sometimes to honour a dead colleague - something triggers off the modern craze
to sew new materials whose use does not outlast the moment of craze. And so, people who just occupy
small apartments in their parents' homes, or have rented one room in a densely-peopled house find that
more than two-thirds of their rooms are filled with bongo trousers which they cannot wear, worn out jeans
which stink, or specially made clothes for occasions that are not recurrent.
Although plagued by the problem of school fees for their children, parents have had to swallow their own
phlegm and humour of their children who need special clothes for important events. Newly employed
youths soon find that their comrades are getting married, and new and special attire must be used to grace
the occasion. University students see matriculation ceremonies or induction ceremonies into club
membership as special reasons to make new attire which - you may be sure - they would not wear on
another occasion that parallels the one for which these clothes were made.
Medical doctors may soon find another cause for the incidence of high blood pressure among the youth.
The desire to acquire new clothes is one strong possible cause, but a more subtle one which haunts like a
ghost is the problem of choice of what to wear. The youths have so stuffed their apartments, wardrobes,
drawers and trunks with so many clothes that the greatest problem they face is the choice of what to
A suitable title for this passage is
(A) Fashion craze
(B) Fashion craze among the youth
(C) University students and induction ceremonies
(D) Parents and the money for fashion craze
Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
It may be argued that museums as an institution and an agency for transmitting cultural heritage are an
artificial creation, so far as objects are removed from their natural or proper environments and put into
museums which are different environment altogether. However, it seems that museums themselves have
come to be accepted and recognized as the best equipped institutions devised by man for the assemblage

of cultural objects and their presentation and preservation for the present and future generations.
The artificial character of museums is however being gradually transformed into a cultural reality. Thus,
just as one goes to the theatre for plays and other performing arts; the mosque, the church or the shrine
foƌ ǁoƌship; the liďƌaƌLJ foƌ the pƌiŶted ǁoƌd; todaLJ, it is to the ŵuseuŵ oŶe goes to see eǀideŶĐe of ŵaŶ͛s
material outfit. For, no other institution or place so readily comes to mind as museums do when evidence
of material culture is sought. Herein lies the importance of museums as cultural institutions and an agency
for transmitting culture.
16. Museums are an artificial creation because
(A) they are an agency for transmitting cultural heritage
(B) natural or proper environments are removed and put into museums
(C) objects are removed from museums to natural or proper environments
(D) objects are removed from their natural or proper environments and put into museums
17. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT part of the main functions of museums?
(A) Preservation
(B) Generation
(C) Presentation
(D) Assemblage
18. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it.
You would think that the common cold should be easy enough to study, but it is not so easy as it looks.
Colds often seem to spread from one person to another, so it is often assumed that the cold must be
infectious, but there are some puzzling observations which do not fit in with this theory. An investigator in
Holland examined some eight thousand volunteers from different areas, and came to the conclusion that
in each group the colds appeared at the same time. Transfer of infection from case to case could not
account for that. Yet at the Common Cold Research Unit in Salisbury the infection theory has been tested
out; two series of about two hundred people each were inoculated, one with salt water and the other with
secretions from known cold victims. Only one of the salt-water group got a cold, compared with seventy-
three in the other group.
In the British Medical Journal the other day, there was a report of a meeting 'The Common Cold-Fact and
Fancy', at which one of the speakers reported a study of cold made in Cirencester over the last five years.
Three hundred and fifty volunteers had kept diary records of their colds and on an average each had seven
every year, with an annual morbidity of seven days. So nearly one-fifth of our lives is spent in more or less
misery, coughing and sneezing. Some widely held beliefs about the common cold have turned out not to
be true. It seems that old people are just as liable to colds as the young. Sailors in isolated weather ship
have just as many colds while on board and not in contact with colds as the young. Sailors in isolated
weather ships have just as many colds while on board and not in contact with the outside world as when
on shore. It is truism that common illnesses pose more problems than the rare. The rare disease is by
comparison much easier to handle. There are not so many cases and all of them have been intensively
studied. Someone has read up all the literature about the disease and published a digest of it. There will be
more facts and fewer fancies.
The Cirencester volunteers kept a record of their colds through
(A) the British Medical Journal
(B) personal diaries
(C) morbidity rates
(D) temperature recordings

19. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it.
Whenever I have had to ask myself the question why I have not left this country for good, many answers
rush to my mind, each striving to be recognized as being the most cogent. I am reminded of the popular
slogan that 'this country belongs to us all', for which reason every Nigerian must join hands in trying to
salvage it. I try to dismiss the argument by reasoning that it is foolhardy attempting to lend a helping hand
where one's services are apparently not required. Then I am reminded that if I left the country in a hurry
just because of our political instability and economic hardships, my commitments to my family and
extended family at home would suffer. I reply by saying that as soon as I got settled abroad; I would
arrange for my family to join me. Other financial problems at home would be taken care of by my regular
remittances. Would I then never think of going back Home in future? Not until the situation in the country
improved considerably, I would answer. And who did I expect to carry on with the task of national
rehabilitation when the likes of me are all out of the country? Those who messed up the country in the first
place, I would argue. And so on. This dialogue of self has been going on for the last ten years or so;
meanwhile, I am yet to leave the country.
When I wonder how many people share my kind of mental experience, I realize that we must be very few.
For not many have the slightest opportunity of absconding from the country; they do not have the place to
run to nor do they have the means of escape. Even among the elite who consider this possibility, the
uncertainty of a future outside their fatherland intimidates. And so we all end up staying and mumbling.
The expression 'each striving to be recognized as being the most cogent' means each
(A) trying to prove its superiority
(B) determined to prove that it is the most acceptable
(C) resolved not to be dislodged
(D) attempting to how that it is the brightest.
20. Read the following and answer question
It was part of her nefarious plot! Of that I had no doubt. She would slowly deprive me of my delicious
slumber until finally, exhausted, I gave in to her wretched demands. She would claw her ways into my
dreams, she could growl and complain, but no, I would not give in.  I pulled the covers close over my head
and rolled over. I was the stronger of we two. I was the determined one. I was the human, and she the
beast. She must have understood my determination, for mercifully, the whining stopped. My breathing
grew deeper and I returned to my wonderful sleep.  Until moments later a crash awakened me. I bolted
out of bed and there she was, in the kitchen guiltily lappily kitty treats off the floor. The mischievous beast
had jumped onto the countertop and knocked the bag of food onto the floor. ͞Bad kittLJ!͟ I sĐolded,
pushing her away from the mess of chow.  But the sweet face, that little sandpaper tongue licking her
chops somehow softened me.
The ǁoƌd ͞Ŷefaƌious͟ as used iŶ the fiƌst seŶteŶĐe iŶ the passage ŵeaŶs
(A) prankish
(B) illegal
(C) wicked
(D) vicious

In questions below, choose the word(s) or phrase which best fills the gap(s)
1. Jubril found that thieves had entered his house in his absence. He went to the police to report the...
(A) break out
(B) break up
(C) break in
(D) break into
2. After the accused was found guilty by the court, his counsel... before sentence was passed
(A) begged for mercy
(B) made a plea for mitigation
(C) made an ovation
(D) made a plea for litigation
3. Fouƌ peƌsoŶs aĐĐused of ĐuƌƌeŶĐLJ … aƌe ďeiŶg held ďLJ the seĐuƌitLJ ageŶts.
(A) trafficking
(B) traviking
(C) trafficking
(D) traffiking
4. Gone are the days when he... enjoy patronage.
(A) would
(B) will
(C) used to
(D) could
5. He did not atteŶd the fiŶal ďuƌial …
(A) rite
(B) rights
(C) rites  
(D) right
6. The officer was compelled to... the suspect's car.
(A) seize
(B) cease
(C) sieze
(D) sease
7. A number of doctors aƌe Ŷot so ǁell disposed to … iŶ goǀeƌŶŵeŶt hospitals these daLJs, … theLJ?
(A) working/do
(B) work/are
(C) working/are
(D) work/aren't
8. If you are going to the market, may I... please?
(A) follow you
(B) come with you
(C) come by you
(D) come as your second
9. Wada said that tǁo of his ĐhiĐkeŶs … eggs LJesteƌdaLJ ŵoƌŶiŶg.
(A) layed
(B) lied
(C) laid
(D) lain

10. Thank you for the party, we really...
(A) enjoyed ourselves
(B) enjoyed
(C) enjoyed very much
(D) enjoyed too much.
In questions below, choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase underlined
11. The culprits will surrender their loot to the customs officials.
(A) give away
(B) give out
(C) give in
(D) give up.
12. The discussion became animated.
(A) specialized
(B) lively
(C) intellectual
(D) unruly
13. Rich citizens are often niggardly in their ways
(A) beggarly
(B) sordid
(C) miserly
(D) pompous
14. The ŵusiĐiaŶ͛s popularity is beginning to decline.
(A) change
(B) wane
(C) slide
(D) disappear
15. Olu promised to look out for her next time he is in town
(A) watch for
(B) visit
(C) greet
(D) take care of
16. Finally, I assured him that I would not go back on my word.
(A) return to a place
(B) return to a certain word when reading
(C) re-use my word
(D) fail to keep my promise
17. The speaker took his audience down memory lane before he went to the topic of his lecture.
(A) took his audience on a journey through a street called Memory Lane
(B) recalled events from the past
(C) told a tale about a place called Memory Lane
(D) gave an outline of his lecture
Choose the option that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters
18. faeces
(A) polices
(B) pain
(C) peasant
(D) pear
19. pot
(A) port
(B) word
(C) correct
(D) what
20. leopard
(A) geology
(B) people
(C) leaven
(D) led (Noun)
Select the word that has the same pattern of stress as the given word
(A) duplicity
(B) conjectural
(C) economics
(D) elaborate
(A) human
(B) hyena
(C) humane
(D) hotel
23. Identify the word that has a different stress pattern from the others.
(A) discourse
(B) intimate
(C) accelerate
(D) integral
24. Identify the word that has the stress on the second syllable.
(A) always
(B) result
(C) reproduce
(D) understand
Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics.
25 Common sense requires that one should be decorous at formal gatherings.
(A) courteous
(B) careful
(C) impolite
(D) incurious
26. The string was taut
(A) stretched
(B) loose
(C) firm
(D) tight.
27. The diminutive figure bounces over the track with unfathomable lightness.
(A) irresistible
(B) predictable
(C) invigorating
(D) impressive.
28. The teacher announced that the class would be making a fleeting visit to the Zoo.
(A) long
(B) routine
(C) brief
(D) guided
29. We intend to make the reception a diurnal event.
(A) an annual
(B) a weekly
(C) a nightly
(D) a short.
30 The project is designed to alleviate poverty in the country.
(A) exacerbate
(B) assuage
(C) eradicate
(D) tackle.
31. The permanent Secretary left his job under a cloud
(A) with a clear record
(B) on a sunny day
(C) in disgrace
(D) on a cloudy clay.
32. It is surprising that this politician has now turned renegade
(A) militant
(B) loyal
(C) quiet
(D) corrupt.

33. Hypertension is a debilitating disease that everyone should prevent.
(A) a horrible
(B) an enervating
(C) a mortal
(D) an energizing.
34. The striking workers have vowed not to return to work until the decision is rescinded
(A) implemented
(B) changed
(C) dismissed
(D) incorporated
35. It is rare for a leader and his deputy to see eye to eye.
(A) reproach each other
(B) disagree
(C) be of one mind
(D) respect each other.
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics
36. The man was able to persuade his wilful and obstinate daughter to follow the career he chose for
(A) intelligent but arrogant
(B) hardworking and intelligent
(C) unyielding and obdurate
(C) obscure and odious.
37. That punch by the young boxer proved to be fatal.
(A) effective
(B) belated
(C) hard
(D) deadly
38. The boy was told that lie would need several more pints of blood if he was to survive.
(A) plenty
(B) much
(C) many
(D) some
39. In spite of her grim situation, the young widow smiled dutifully at the visitor's pleasantries
(A) unkind comments
(B) sad stories
(C) condolence messages
(D) jocular remarks.
40. The presence of the security men in the area will provide a moment of respite for the residents.
(A) enduring reprieve
(B) temporary relief
(C) lasting security
(D) soothing relaxation.
41. Though David's condition is serious, his life is not in immediate danger.
(A) grave
(B) nasty
(C) dangerous
(D) hypertensive.
42. The essay topic is nebulous.
(A) clear
(B) incorrect
(C) vague
(D) distinct
43 I have always believed that my mother is very impassioned woman.
(A) impartial
(B) emotional
 (C) Impassive
(D) emotive.
44. My father was at the apogee of his career when he was retired
(A) terminal point
(B) least productive stage
(C) redundant stage
(D) highest point.
45. The party's gathering was thrown into a state of euphoria after the election result was announced.
(A) pleasure
(B) confusion
(C) sadness
(D) excitement
Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence
46. The politician's inflammatory remarks were heavily criticized.
(A)  The politician's provocative remarks were heavily criticized
(B) The politician's tribalistic remarks were heavily criticized
(C) The politician's bombastic remarks were heavily criticized
(D) The politician's rude remarks were heavily criticized
47. The events of last Friday show that there is no love lost between the Principal and the Vice-
(A) They dislike each other
(B) They like each other
(C) They cannot part company
(D) They work independently.
48. Though he is our elected representative, he often takes a rather jaundiced view of our problems.
(A) He takes a rather hazy view of our problems
(B) He takes a sickly view of our problems
(C) He takes an unfavourable position concerning our problems
(D) He takes a rather forceful view of our problems.
49. If he were here it could be more fun.
(A) There was no fun because he was not present
(B) He did not show up and so the occasion lacked much fun
(C) He was being expected to supply more fun
(D) He was expected but did not show up to liven up the occasion.
Fill each gap with the most appropriate option from the list provide
50. Without ouƌ ƌeleŶtless ĐaŵpaigŶs, ǁe ŵight … ǀiĐtoƌLJ iŶ the ƌaĐe foƌ the NatioŶal AsseŵďlLJ
(A) never had been
(B) never have been
(C) have never be
(D) be never sure of.
51. The Governor rejected the bill and withheld his...
(A) access
(B) accent
(C) assent
(D) ascent

52. The new school is not provided with... for science practicals.
(A) an equipment
(B) enough equipment
(C) equipments
(D) enough equipments
 53. We are all hungry; we... anything to eat since, morning.
(A) didn't have
(B) haven't had
(C) never had
(D) hadn't had
In questions below, choose the options NEAREST IN MEANING to the underlined
54 The meeting was cancelled because of the convocation.
(A) brought up
(B) called off
(C) broken off
(D) phased out.
55. Our town is so small that we are always meeting our schoolmates accidentally.
(A) coining across
(B) falling into
(C) knocking up
(D) running into
56. Can you give a good explanation for your behaviour?
(A) account for
(B) call for
(C) clear up
(D) give up.
57. Be careful! We are approaching the crossroads.
(A) look up
(B) watch out
(C) look out
(D) look in.
58. Thousands of students are candidates for the examination but only very few pass.
(A) come into
(B) go into
(C) enter for
(D) turn up for.
59. He went through fire before he qualified as a doctor
(A) had a fire accident
(B) made a lot of fire
(C) suffered a lot
(D) required a lot of fire
60. Once I have finished all my homework, I am permitted to watch television.
(A) I can watch television at any time.
(B) I can only watch television after doing, my homework.
(C) Television comes first, then homework second
(D) I can only finish my homework after permission to watch television
In question below, choose the expression which best completes each sentence
61. The manager said that unless the employees worked harder the factory would have to be closed.
 The manager said that
(A) the employees were not working hard, and so the factory would be closed
(B) the employees should not close early so that they could produce more
(C) the factory would be shut if the employees did not increase their output
(D) the factory was closed because the employees did not work hard enough
62. The student who went home without an exeat has apologised... his misconduct
(A) on
(B) at
(C) for
(D) about.
63. The man has atoned... his sins.
(A) upon
(B) on
(C) for
(D) against
64. The Headmaster was interviewed in connection... the expansion project.
(A) to
(B) with
(C) for
(D) about
65. What do you want me to do now? I'm… ǁithdƌaǁiŶg aŶd keepiŶg Ƌuiet.
(A) for
(B) with
(C) up
(D) on
From the alternatives provided in questions below, select the one which most appropriately
completes the sentence.
66. I meant... a pencil but there was no one... them.
(A) buying/selling
(B) to buy/to sell
(C) buying/to sell
(D) buy/to sell
(E) to buy/selling
67. Mrs. Okoro... in this school since 1975.
(A) taught
(B) is teaching
(C) was teaching
(D) teaches
(E) has been teaching
68. The GoǀeƌŶoƌ has … to the people oŶ ŵaŶLJ oĐĐasioŶs.
(A) broadcast
(B) been broadcast
(C) broadcasted
(D) been broadcasted
69. Paulina arrived late, she... the right route.
(A) cannot have taken
(B) could not have taking
(C) could not had taken
(D) could not have taken
70. Choose the word that does not have the same vowel sound as the others.
(A) sun
(B) shun
(C) son
(D) short
71. Choose the word that does not have the same vowel sound as the others.
(A) deep
(B) lease
(C) meet
(D) lace
Choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one presented by the letter(s)
72. baby
(A) dumb
(B) climb
(C) tuber
(D) plumber
73. time
(A) water
(B) weather
(C) debut
(D) depot

In the question below, the word in capital letters has an emphatic stress. Choose the option
that best fits the expression in the sentence
74. The fire destroyed MANY lives.
(A) Did the fire destroy the village?
(B) Did the fire destroy some houses?
(C) Did the fire destroy any lives?
(D) Did the fire spare any lives?
75. The electricity in OUR premises comes from a generator.
(A) Is the electricity in your compound supplied by a generator?
(B) Is the electricity in your neighbour's premises supplied by a generator?
(C) Does the electricity in your premises come from NEPA?
(D) Does everybody in your street receive electricity from generators?
76. Identify the word that has a different stress pattern from the others.
(A) Interrupt
(B) Contribute
(C) Harmattan
(D) Entertain
77. Identify the word that has a different stress pattern from the others.
(A) Interlocutor
(B) Opportunity
(C) Ambiguity
(D) Actualization
Choose the one that has the correct stress
78. laboratory
(A) LA-bor-a-tory
(B) la-BOR-a-tory
(C) la-bor-A-tory
(D) la-bor-a-TORY
79. expantiate
(A) Ex-pan-ti-ate
(B) ex-PAN-ti-ate
(C) ex-pan-TI-ate
(D) ex-pan-ti-ATE
80. intensify
(A) IN-ten-si-fy
(B) in-TEN-si-fy
(C) in-ten-SI-fy
(D) in-ten-si-FY

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